Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The world is full of sore losers these days. Here recently the United States has elected it's first black President. Not only is our new President black but he is a Democrat. This ads insult to injury to those rightwing southern republicans out there. George Bush was president for eight years. He did do some good things for the country/world like search for wmd's and end up getting that bastard Saddam. But he also made things a tad rocky with the economy, healthcare and the housing market. Maybe not directly but it happened and that's the point. It will take time for it to get better. It will get better and people need to realize that it takes time to clean up a mess. Barack Obama has a ton of work to do. He may not do it in one year or two but it is important to have faith in our Government. Think how worse off we could be. We could live in a country where you have to live in fear of Taliban murdering your family, or violent rebels ripping through your village murdering and slaying women and children because they won't join their fight. Our country is the land of Liberty. We have it so good here. When I hear people complain, it makes me sick. It could be worse. A lot worse.


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